Network Access

Instructions for Accessing the Rollins Wireless Network (PDF Download)

Before you come to campus...

  • Make sure you have Anti-Virus Software installed on your computer and the virus definitions have been updated recently.
  • Make sure you have run all critical Windows updates (if PC)

When you arrive at campus...

  1. Turn on your computer.
  2. Make sure your wireless is turned on (some laptops will have a switch).
  3. You will want to connect to “FoxDay”.
  4. Open your internet browser.
  5. In the window that loads, select Guest and enter your information.
  6. The Bradford security agent will download and scan your computer. You will be informed of a network outage and asked to close all browser windows.
  7. You should then receive a message stating that your wireless registration was successful. You can now open a browser window and use the internet.

After the conference

You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address.
The password field is case sensitive.