Lunch Table Special Interest Groups

Someone brought up on a recent DrupalCamp planning discussion the idea of having subject-specific discussion groups at lunch. Discuss!

Spcial Interest Groups (Birds of a Feather)

In order to have more opportunities to meet people with shared interests, I suggest we dedicate a session slot to Special Interest Groups. We could designate Special Interest Group (SIG) or Birds of a Feather (BOAF)Topics in advance, and arrange tables or seating areas so people with like interests could get together for discussions after they pick up their lunches.

Here are some sample Topics - does anyone have other suggesitons?

"Semantics, RDF and Taxonomy - making your site smarter and more visible"

"Geo, mapping, Location Tracking - putting your site on the map".

other ideas???

If desired, the person who submits the topic can also volunteer to be the Table Leader or he could request volunteers. The Table Leader would give a (not more than) 10 minute "Overview, Orientation and Agenda" of the topic in order to set the stage, bound the topic, and kick off the discussion. He/She would also collect questions and other information in advance, act as facilitator during the session and follow up afterward online with a summary and ongoing discussion. This would allow people whou couldn't attend but were interested in the topic review what happened in the Round Table and get in on follow up discussion.

For the second Topic I am very interested but not really very knowledgeable, so I would post an opening for the Table Leader and hope someone who knows something about the topic would volunteer. We could open a case for each Topic here, and also initiate blog topic discussions on the Camp Site. This would allow people to share interests and network - in advance, during and after the Camp.

This would give attendees who are not part of the core group the opporunity to get more actively involved.

lunch group - Knight Foundation's grant programs

If you're interested in applying for the Knight News Challenge (, Knight Arts Challenge (, or the Knight Community Information Challenge ( consider following Robertson Adams to a nearby salad bar...

Will any lunch groups be held?

Currently there are no groups listed during lunch in the schedule. Did this idea take on?

Yes, definitely

Frank, just to let you know - Maggie and Diane have been working hard on this. We will have signs on the tables at lunch in the dining hall to help people find birds of a feather during lunch. I also imagine the conversation will continue during the ice cream social in the afternoon and the social event at Hot Olives after the conference.

From the Charity Reps Perspective...

A table that is less technical, discussing "Online Fundraising Tools and Success" would be nice. I could moderate, but do not currently use any online fundraising tools or service providers, other than

Great Topic, Eileen

I will talk with Brian Schulte about this

Eileen, That sounds awesome,


That sounds awesome, and it is totally in the spirit of what we want to achieve.

Special Interest Tables at lunch

Thanks - great suggestion. We are planning to put signs on tables or table areas at lunch about the specific topics so that people can sit closer to people who share their interests. Also if anyone wants to be the Table Leader for any of these topics, please let us know. So far we have:

Online Fund Raising Tools and Success - Eileen
Non-Profit Technical
Module Development

Semantics, Taxonomy and SEO - Maggie

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