10 Ways To Launch Your NonProfit into Giving 2.0 in 2012

Kickstarter, microphilanthropy, Causes.com, philanthroteens, open challenges. There’s a digital revolution underfoot allowing nonprofits to tap into an immense base of ordinary people with extraordinary generosity: In 2009, even during a deep recession, individual giving drove 82% of the $300 billion donated that same year. How can your nonprofit participate too?

Whether it’s use of one of the new crowdfunding platforms providing a turnkey solution, reducing transaction costs, use of microbursts of volunteers, pay-it-forward, Drupal or getting a better mission outcome by awarding funds based on offered solutions not proposed solutions, smart organizations are learning to do more with less using new digital tools.

This talk will review the up and coming digital platforms and new lightweight web-ilicious marketing methods available. Along the way, we’ll highlight Florida nonprofits who are early pioneers in Giving 2.0. Please join us to tell your story too!

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