
TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
Activity Stream Item2012 Atlanta DrupalCamp and Business Summit dates announced: http://t.co/gneMAxqM ultimike04 years 40 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemI'll be at the Miami Drupal Meetup tonight! http://t.co/eb4BKj2w ultimike04 years 40 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemThanks to @maidus for organizing the Miami #drupal meetup last night! #fldrupal ultimike04 years 40 weeks ago
Activity Stream Item@IMchrislaney Not that I know of. What say you, @nashdrupal? #dcnash, perhaps? ultimike04 years 40 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemHey #fldrupal - the new OpenAid distro would make a great meetup topic. Download and demo! http://t.co/TLh4bwSl ultimike04 years 40 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemBy the way, great location for the Miami (Coral Gables) #drupal meetup as well: http://t.co/RTdttHsG ultimike04 years 40 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemI'll be presenting Blue Collar Drush and Tinkertoy Git at DrupalCamp Nashville this weekend: http://t.co/1FWnrDlD @nashdrupal ultimike04 years 40 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemReally exciting #drupal usability work going on with the create/edit content page: http://t.co/NKi2yVnv (check out the demo!) ultimike04 years 40 weeks ago
Activity Stream Item@DanoManion Thanks! ultimike04 years 40 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemAnyone using the #drupal Omega base theme should read this page of documentation before they start: http://t.co/sZgwmHUe @omeglicon ultimike04 years 40 weeks ago
Activity Stream Item#barcamporlando, here we go! ultimike04 years 40 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemWhat kind of sandwich would you like? http://t.co/zxziC1Cb #drupal ultimike04 years 40 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemIs it April 1st? New Space Mining Company Unveils Plans to Bring Asteroids to Moon Orbit Today http://t.co/yIdyoHl1 ultimike04 years 40 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemHey #drupalcampnashville - I just uploaded my "Blue Collar Drush" slides: http://t.co/l2VPK7A4 (I even fixed the typos!) #dcn12 ultimike04 years 40 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemChallenge: describe what #drupal content types are in a single tweet (not allowed to use the words "content" or "type"). #dcn12 ultimike04 years 40 weeks ago
Activity Stream Item@IMchrislaney @nashdrupal Just heard the official hash tag is #dcn12 ultimike04 years 40 weeks ago
Activity Stream Item@bhosmer I'm "quite a nice person": http://t.co/I1OjkAbG (I'll take it!) ultimike04 years 40 weeks ago
SessionUse Display Suite, Make Fewer Custom Templates ultimike04 years 51 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemBrevard County, Florida Drupal Meetup in downtown Melbourne, tomorrow 1/24/12 at 6:30pm! http://t.co/BzCyZmc3 ultimike05 years 2 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemUse Skitch? I just found out it can capture entire web pages, sweet! http://t.co/AfDqzhHk ultimike05 years 2 weeks ago
Activity Stream Item@chx @weitzman, @drumm - Just to confirm, everything on http://t.co/6ycrdeCN is **new** nodes, users, committers, etc..., correct? ultimike05 years 2 weeks ago
Activity Stream Item@davereid There's one more now. I've got 15 clams on you, don't let me down. ultimike05 years 2 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemJust finished the Warrior Dash: 5k of mud, barb wire, obstacles, fire. Now the final two: turkey legs and beer. http://t.co/yLnD8yZd ultimike05 years 2 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemHmmm - filling out the waiver for tomorrow morning's Warrior Dash is making me rethink things... http://t.co/N78iQnkN ultimike05 years 2 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemWatching the first couple episodes of #alcatraz - not bad, a couple of plot holes, but we'll keep watching. Plus, Hurley is in it! ultimike05 years 2 weeks ago
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