Drupal as a CRM Platform

Anyone using Salesforce or CiviCRM with Drupal already knows that collecting information about contacts can be challenging. While having a separate system to collect contact information can be useful, it often creates a wall between the contact and the other information they generate within your website. This situation creates a wall between content and contacts, where valuable data about each lies in different systems, and integrating the two becomes cost prohibitive for most organizations.

CRM Core is a project designed to address this strategic issue. It is an attempt to provide CRM functionality within Drupal. This session focuses on CRM Core and related releases as a tool for managing contact information. We will discuss the following topics:

* Why CRM Core is not a system, and why you totally would not want it to be

* The underlying technology components being used and how they fits in with the rest of Drupal

* The interface for creating contacts, activities and relationships

* How to build small, useful applications on top of CRM Core to serve specific needs

* The state of the project, where it is going, and how you can contribute

Participants will receive access to working installation profiles and modules after the session.

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