
Drupal in the Public Sector - An overview of OpenPublic

This session will provide an overview of Phase II's OpenPublic Distribution tailored to the needs of local, state, and federal government agencies.

Big Couch
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Drupal in Schools & Non-profits

Drupal, one of the leading Open Source platforms for creating and managing dynamic web sites, has helped spark a revolution in schools and non-profits like no other. Capabilities once reserved for the Enterprise market are now attainable by even the smallest organizations. Schoolyard's mission is providing those capabilities to K-12 independent schools.

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Digital Barn-Raising: Coding for a Cause

One of the highlights of Florida DrupalCamp is the Coding for a Cause Event where over 30 Drupal developers give back to the community. This year three lucky nonprofits will get a new website. Ben and Ryan will give you the backstory and play-by-play game film on how this all comes together. This talk is “must ” for those planning to contribute or spectate at Sunday’s Coding for a Cause event.

Sign up to volunteer

If you are volunteering on Sunday for Coding for a Cause, we ask that you:

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Drupal Test-Drive Room

Some Distros we may demonstrate:

  • OpenPublic
  • OpenAtrium
  • CiviCRM
  • OpenOutreach
  • Springboard
  • Conference Organizing Distribution
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Droplets, mini-Drupal sites in a snap

Learn the power of Features and Distributions and how you and your organization can leverage them for fast, efficient and manageable micro-sites. What exactly are micro-sites? Micro-sites are mini-websites that have one purpose - provide information to a targeted audience. An example micro-site would be a mini-website on an organization’s yearly car wash fundraising event. This session will provide a high level overview of features including what they are, how you make a basic feature that will show how easy they are to use, then the simplicity of using them.

Big Couch
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Drupal as a CRM Platform

Anyone using Salesforce or CiviCRM with Drupal already knows that collecting information about contacts can be challenging. While having a separate system to collect contact information can be useful, it often creates a wall between the contact and the other information they generate within your website. This situation creates a wall between content and contacts, where valuable data about each lies in different systems, and integrating the two becomes cost prohibitive for most organizations.

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