
TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
Activity Stream ItemInitiative update - HTML5 is doing well, multilingual support, and many initiatives need more help. Core convos and sessions at #drupalcon ryanprice04 years 46 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemDrupal 8 timeline - feature freeze Dec 1st - Drupal 8 comes out in 18 mos. Do some analysis, Design and Implement them before Dec #drupalcon ryanprice04 years 46 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemPackaging of distributions is improving, and figure out the revenue module with Drupal distros. Distributions will be 1st class citizens ryanprice04 years 46 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemGood beer good company (with Marc at Resurrection Ale House) [pic] — http://t.co/pK61N3Js ryanprice04 years 46 weeks ago
Activity Stream Item@ultimike just browsing. I was om my way to #pla12 and then there was a line of peiple waiting for iPads. ryanprice04 years 46 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemIn the home town of @gruber and wishing I knew where he hung out. For all I know he was in the Apple store at the same time as me today. ryanprice04 years 46 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemHaving an awesome time at #pla12 unconference - talking about TransMedia - my notes are at http://t.co/CKypwJxd ryanprice04 years 46 weeks ago
Activity Stream Item@eddiejams colder than Florida for sure. Hoping to have a good weekend up here. ryanprice04 years 47 weeks ago
Activity Stream Item@eddiejams Interesting - I am in Philly right now but live in Orlando - you going to check out @flcreatives on Monday? ryanprice04 years 47 weeks ago
Activity Stream Item@learningdrupal so what if my H2O has some hops and yeast? It's a free country after all! ryanprice04 years 47 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemForecast for Denver on Monday is 34°F / 1° C so pack appropriately for @drupalcon y'all! I hear the weather is dry so make sure to drink H2O ryanprice04 years 47 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemRyanPriceMedia: Infographic: How Drupal combines open source, openness, and security | http://t.co/sIH5TH9x: Link:... http://t.co/tQrSG9As ryanprice04 years 47 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemRyanPriceMedia: The cost of Drupal | Fuse Interactive: Link: http://t.co/Ik5UK5JE We’ve co... http://t.co/OyOjW7T8 ryanprice04 years 47 weeks ago
Activity Stream Item@Delicious other than scraping, is there an api or RSS field to get the thumbnails you're grabbing? I would love to make my site more visual ryanprice04 years 47 weeks ago
Activity Stream Itemis there a disparity between publicly available Drupal training and available Drupal jobs? http://t.co/z2d09m7D http://t.co/ek1pD0T6 ryanprice04 years 47 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemPicked up 20,000 leagues under the sea this week. Can't believe how well most of it holds up. (at Yellow House) — http://t.co/SzImgbbo ryanprice04 years 47 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemRyanPriceMedia: DroidCamX Wireless Webcam Pro - Android Apps on Google Play: Link: https://t.co/BFXUE1dS... http://t.co/wV7XiHcI ryanprice04 years 47 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemRyanPriceMedia: Breakout: Link: http://t.co/HKsuP37G Breakout is a prototyping tool for exploring the intersec... http://t.co/5qiM3IqI ryanprice04 years 47 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemRyanPriceMedia: Pokki: Link: http://t.co/sk77epuz HTML5 Apps and Games downloaded as desktop apps in a Chrome S... http://t.co/noKXTPFj ryanprice04 years 47 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemRyanPriceMedia: EAC-CPF Examples: Link: http://t.co/VALzNAnc an XML standard... http://t.co/24Owpalo ryanprice04 years 47 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemRyanPriceMedia: Green house falls to progress - News & Features - Orlando Weekly: “Once we got it, we figured w... http://t.co/ICIFR3G2 ryanprice04 years 47 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemRyanPriceMedia: Innovation for the People, by the People - http://t.co/wrjXUCGI: Another recent challenge, issue... http://t.co/No9yDy9N ryanprice04 years 47 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemRyanPriceMedia: Make like a Startup: Yes. I know some people will not agree with everything in this slideshow. ... http://t.co/kNeKHR28 ryanprice04 years 47 weeks ago
Activity Stream ItemListened to "Mr. Daisey and the Apple Factory" by This American Life on @Huffduffer http://t.co/IqPdVfKr fans of... ryanprice04 years 47 weeks ago
Activity Stream Item@Tommy_Cannon I haven't seen it but I know @heathr was hoping someone would invent @tweet_a_beer ryanprice04 years 47 weeks ago
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