Contributing to Community

What is Open Source?

Drupal is open source software maintained and developed by a community of 630,000+ users and developers. Learn how Open Source and Drupal are saving nonprofits worldwide in IT costs while providing fast, easy code development.

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Digital Barn-Raising: Coding for a Cause

One of the highlights of Florida DrupalCamp is the Coding for a Cause Event where over 30 Drupal developers give back to the community. This year three lucky nonprofits will get a new website. Ben and Ryan will give you the backstory and play-by-play game film on how this all comes together. This talk is “must ” for those planning to contribute or spectate at Sunday’s Coding for a Cause event.

Sign up to volunteer

If you are volunteering on Sunday for Coding for a Cause, we ask that you:

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Drupal Test-Drive Room

Some Distros we may demonstrate:

  • OpenPublic
  • OpenAtrium
  • CiviCRM
  • OpenOutreach
  • Springboard
  • Conference Organizing Distribution
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How to contribute to Drupal (from non-coders to experts)

There are plenty of ways to contribute back to the Drupal community, even if you can't code or are just starting. We'll be covering:

  • Queue farming - a great way to start understanding what's going on in a specific area
  • Documentation - simply install a module and read the docs. Something you don't understand? Document it for everyone else!
  • The Boston Initiative which lays out a roadmap to helping out by coding

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